Three Types Of DJ Transitions That Don’t Include Mixing

If you think mixing is “THE” optimal way to navigate through your music while you’re DJing for people, you’re thinking about this wrong.
Transitions can be just as effective as mixing by relying on simple drops on the “one”, drum roll throw-ins and rhythmic scratches that help connect musical sections together like the chorus from song A to the introduction of song B.
This is the most basic way to introduce a song to your audience during a set. Avoid using this rudimentary style of swapping as a crutch though. Otherwise, it will make the way you switch between tracks sound redundant, fast!

If you don’t possess a sound sense of rhythm or timing, this can be difficult. That said, DJing revolves around music theory. Much in the same way playing the drum or guitar does. Any DJ that doesn’t have a grasp of Music Theory is essentially DJing all of their sets at a disadvantage!

Next to timing, what matters most as you progress through the songs you’re playing is that the changes are attention grabbing. Scratching is the most efficient and impressive way to get a crowd to focus on your playing style.

Moving between songs while you DJ is an art! It’s that sense of continuity that a DJ can achieve which makes their sets feel like a story is being told through music!