Big shout out for this video!?? I wanna develop myself in scratching that’s why it’s a part of my daily routine for the last 2 months. I kinda stucked in my progress with faster stabs and in the perfection of the transformer. It’s really an eyeopener that resting my hand on the mixer, and if tempo raises using my middlefinger without my index finger seems to be the answer in what I can (read: have to) change. I gonna put effort in changing this habits????? Curious about the result and progress
But again – it seems (and sounds) Rob is doing 5 clicks fwd and 5 reverse at 16:00. I tried both – 5 and 6 clicks variations, and 5 clicks sound exactly the same. Do I miss something?
What’s the timing on those 6 clicks? I’m having a difficult time making it sound right. Also I notice that sometimes you open the fader more than others. On what clicks do you open more?
I should NOT have been away for over three weeks. This lesson just showed me how weak I am. When you switched to three clicks, I had NOTHING LEFT! Still, I trust the process. I got BUSY in that Q&A though! ?. Can’t wait to send some video in a couple of weeks… ??
This exercise is just what I need to strengthen my left(weaker) hand on the fader. I found myself struggling to just get my hand to do what I’m telling it to do….SMH. I kept repeating to myself, it’s a PROCESS, and continued to practice. But damn, I never realized how “non compliant” my left hand is. LOL
My right hand is much stronger but I’m still continuing to practice to improve it even more.
Appreciate the lessons, clear instructions and additional training camp exercises!
This is were it starts for me Rob, I’m actually, backwards the 3 click is so much easier to do for my self than the 5 or 6 click, should I just stick with the three and try to build speed or just keep trying to do the 6 click?…watching your hand it’s dancing while mines is all over the place, no control.
Bro this is hard. If you don’t stay CONSTANT, you DEFINITELY lose progress. I did a haphazard fast chirp in the Q&A and HOLLERED! I wish I had recorded that, but I should do it justice and wait a couple of weeks. I WILL be trying to pull it off AGAIN though! I love this art! 💪🏿
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