Thanks Grand Master DJ Rob Swift again for these courses, ez lee explained and thoroughly demonstrated showing practicing original and historic DJ technics, will give you the advantage with style and flare that many lack when trying to DJ and even when playing their own original music =) – DJ BackBone …a ‘lil irrational, c how it sounds… #BrolicArmy #Lifetime #Respect
I love these video watching and listening to you create a set. Giving us a glimpse into your thought process, and enjoying these “AHA!” moments with you!
Would the key also be a factor when your mixing? or just stick to the +/-7bpm range for any song in a genre?
Or is it just a preference on mixing harmonically or by BPM.
You make this stuff look so EASY! I know it comes with time (and a SETLIST!), but I can really see myself doing this. I really dig those songs you chose! 💪🏿
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